
Want to get involved with VOX?

You don’t need to be on air presenter to be a station member. We encourage all locals to become members & play a part in the running of the station.

VOX FM is a not-for-profit charitable institution and relies on government grants, donations, membership and sponsorship to remain on the air. The station is run totally by volunteers and the Board of Directors is elected directly from within the membership.

All membership renewals are due on 1st July of each year. Memberships that are not renewed before the 31st of August each year will lapse and be cancelled. Any on air presentation time will lapse and be suspended if membership is not renewed by the due date according to the rules of the Association.

Individual - $35.00

Family - $50.00

Concession - $15.00

Group - $120.00

Corporate Group - $150.00

If you have any questions about membership, please contact us.